These two are a match made in heaven. Their entire session consisted on non-stop laughing and giggling, and kissing of course! Jesse & Emily are two of Katie's good friends who have FINALLY decided to tie the knot, and we couldn't be more excited for their wedding day! Jamie was even there to capture their surprise proposal! Enjoy reading Jesse & Emily's Q&As!

when did you meet?

"We met sometime in 2010, we had mutual friends around school, but we officially met February 13th, 2011. I (Emily) was a Freshman and he (Jesse) was a Sophomore"

What was your first thoughts?

"My (Emily) first thought was he was really funny and cute, but mainly thought he was so cool because he was in a grade above me. HA!"

"My (Jesse) first thought when I saw Emily, I thought she was gorgeous right off the bat. After talking to her, I realized we had a natural chemistry and our personalities were a perfect match. After getting to know her, I knew that this could be more than just a high school friendship or relationship, but this could actually be something that will last"

Favorite date?

"We've been to a lot of country concerts together, but by far our favorite was when Jesse surprised me with tickets to see Alan Jackson"

How did he propose?

"With the help of Elise, he (Jesse) convinced me (Emily) to go downtown to get some simple iPhone pictures of us to post for our anniversary because we never take pictures together. I was extremely difficult. I didn't want to go, I didn't get dressed up, and I missed the hint to have my nails done, but they eventually got me there and little did I know, Jamie was hiding around the corner to capture the moment. He proposed on our 9 year anniversary"

what do you look forward to most about being married?

Emily: "Sharing a home. We've talked about being married since we were 15 so it definitely feels like a long time coming. I'm ready to come home to my best friend (and all our dogs) every day."

Jesse: "I look forward to coming home every night to Emily. Spending our evenings together making dinner, relaxing, and of course, spoiling our dog, Drake. I also look forward to starting a family together one day, and becoming parents together"